(Brethren in Christ)
The Milford Road Christadelphians are a Bible-based community of believers, patterned after the first century ecclesias (churches). Our biblically based Hope is for the soon return of Jesus Christ to earth, who at that time will call all His true believers to Him, set up His kingdom in Jerusalem, and subdue all nations of the Earth.
"Even so, come, Lord Jesus."
We believe that the Bible is the Inspired word of God ( 2 Tim. 3:16,17). For more information on the Truths found in God's word, please use this link: http://www.christadelphia.org/belief.php
There are hundreds of Christadelphian ecclesias located around the world. Four are right here in Southeast Michigan. We meet at 24610 Milford Road, South Lyon, MI 48178.
We meet each Sunday:
10:00 Memorial Service
11:30 Sunday School for all ages - except summer months
LORD willing
To receive more information about the Milford Rd. Christadelphians, please provide your email address below.
24610 Milford Road, South Lyon, Michigan 48178, United States